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NHSGGC Level 3 Intervention

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde - Level 3 Intervention

The Scottish Information Commissioner has escalated his intervention to bring improvements in the FOI performance of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. 

The intervention, which was previously being undertaken at Level 1 of the Commissioner's Intervention Strategy, has now been escalated to Level 3. Level 3 interventions are undertaken to address serious and systemic FOI failures in Scottish public bodies.

The decision to escalate the intervention was made in response to data which showed that no significant improvement in FOI on-time performance had been achieved since the intervention was launched in June 2023. Data showed that the organisation achieved an average of 59% of requests being responded to on-time across 2023-24, with performance levels dipping below 50% for a substantial period in that year.

The escalation to Level 3 means that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde will be required to submit a detailed action plan to restore performance to an acceptable level.

Staff from the Commissioner's office will continue to work alongside NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to provide support as it works towards putting in place measures to enable it to achieve the intervention performance target of 85% or more requests responded to within statutory timescales.

The Commissioner's letter, notifying NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde of the escalation of the intervention and requiring further information to progress the intervention, is published in full below. 

Commissioner's Letter to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde - 17 June 2024